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  • Dugnad

Aktualności 2024 [EN]

"Dugnad" in Kędzierzyn-Koźle. 

Integration of residents and improvement of neighbourly relations as foundations of local development.

30.04.2024 - Dugnad project finale. Thank you!

30 April marked the official end of the ‘Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle’ project. For more than three years it has changed the face of our city. It has made the inhabitants better acquainted and integrated them. The municipality was the only one in the Opole region to obtain nearly PLN 19 million from the so-called Norwegian funds for the realisation of this large project.

This is the first time Kędzierzyn-Koźle has implemented a project on such a large scale and with such great impact. It focused not only on large investment tasks (adaptation of Dom Kultury ‘Chemik’ to the needs of people with disabilities and adaptation of the building of PSP No. 6 in Stalmacha Street to become the ‘Dugnad’ Cooperation Centre), but above all on so-called soft activities. All groups of residents benefited from the proposed projects, including those with special needs. Integration and good neighbourly relations have become the hallmark of 'Dugnad'. Large-scale consultations were also a good practice. Implementation of tasks was preceded by open meetings with the local community.

The assumed results could not have been achieved without the support and involvement of the project partners: Kędzierzyn-Kozielski Park Przemysłowy Sp. z o.o., the Koziołek Sports Club, the Municipal Public Library, the Municipal Cultural Centre, the Municipal Social Welfare Centre, the Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre and the Europa Iuvenis association.

15.04.2024 - The former primary school is a construction site

The building of the former Primary School No. 6 on Stalmacha Street is being transformed into the "Dugnad" Co-operation Centre. It is one of the largest current investments in Kędzierzyn-Koźle.

The building will be completely re-purposed and adapted for social purposes, with former classrooms being converted into so-called supported housing.

11.04.2024 - From KK to WWA

At the embassy of the Kingdom of Norway, they already know that the idea of 'dugnad' has been successfully implanted in Kędzierzyn-Koźle. The visit to the diplomatic post was one of the points of the study trip to Warsaw. The capital of our country was visited by a group of about 50 volunteers and representatives of the Third Sector.

The programme of the two-day trip also included intensive sightseeing of the city on the Vistula River. Participants looked at the Mermaid, strolled around Castle Square and Krakowskie Przedmieście. A visit to the Royal Castle was also a must. Another unusual attraction was the Copernicus Science Centre and an unusual museum for selfie-taking enthusiasts.

An opportunity for even greater integration for local activists was provided by the Centre for Non-Governmental Organisations and Volunteers operating at the Municipal Social Welfare Centre.

10.04.2024 - Seniors had an active rest with "Dugnad"

"Dugnad" again took our residents on a tour of Poland. This time seniors went on a trip to the Vistula River. Our nestors had the opportunity to take part in cooking workshops and visit the charming corners of this mountain town.

The participants visited, among other places, the Regional Cuisine Museum, where they tried their hand at preparing regional delicacies. Another highlight of the trip was a guided tour of the centre of Wisła. The senior citizens strolled along the promenade and market square, visited the Evangelical Church, the amphitheatre and the Habsburg Palace. At the end of the trip, everyone relaxed in the swimming pool complex, the salt grotto, the sauna area and the graduation tower. The trip was organised by the Municipal Senior Citizens' Centre at the Municipal Social Welfare Centre.

09.04.2024 - A trip full of excitement

Four trips in one. The Community Senior Citizens' Centre together with the NGO and Volunteer Centre took residents on another trip full of excitement. The integrative trip took place as part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project.

The programme was extremely rich. Participants visited the adit at the Królowa Luizy mine in Zabrze, strolled through the streets of the charming and historic Nikiszowiec and relaxed among plants and animals from all over the world in the Exotarium in Sosnowiec. The main attraction, however, was flying in the wind tunnel in Katowice. The trip was attended by senior citizens, volunteers and representatives of NGOs from our city.

03.04.2024 - 'Dugnad' will take to the air again

It was such a thrill that it's a shame not to experience it again. More daredevils will be able to try their hand at the wind tunnel in Katowice. Members of NGOs, volunteers and senior citizens will take to the air thanks to the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project.

The Municipal Social Welfare Centre has launched registration for the adventurous trip. The programme also includes a visit to the exotarium in Sosnowiec and a rafting trip down the Queen Louise Adit in Zabrze. In addition, MOPS is providing insurance, entrance tickets, a meal and a pilot. Participation in the event is free of charge, but for organisational reasons, registration is required. These can be obtained by calling 77 483 78 79, ext. 408.


27.03.2024 - Grand finale of the "Dugnad" project

 For more than three years it changed the face of our city. It made the inhabitants get to know each other better and integrate. To its credit, the Chemist Community Centre has been adapted to the needs of people with disabilities, and a 'Cooperation Centre' and supported housing for seniors are being created in the former building of PSP No. 6 in Stalmacha Street. All thanks to the 'Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle' project.

 The municipality is currently completing a large project co-financed by the so-called Norwegian funds. Kędzierzyn-Koźle has obtained nearly PLN 19 million for all its activities. Our local government is the only one in the Opole region to be among only 29 cities in Poland to have received money from Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland for tasks related to development and social integration.

 All completed projects were summarised at a conference combined with panel discussions and acknowledgements of project implementers. The meeting was attended by invited representatives from the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, the Association of Polish Cities, the authorities of Kędzierzyn-Koźle, councillors of the voivodeship assembly, city councillors, starostes, mayors and heads of befriended local authorities and invited guests. The conference was preceded by a Study Tour, during which flagship investments and one of the many handicraft workshops were presented.

 All the activities implemented as part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project can be consulted via a specially prepared publication entitled. "Dugnad Dictionary". The ebook and audiobook are available via:

22.03.2024 - These are the last voyages with "Dugnad"

"Dugnad" is once again taking a trip. These will be the last trips financed from the so-called Norwegian funds. Seniors and members of associations, foundations, local action groups and volunteers can take advantage of the invitation. Traditionally, it promises to be a great escapade.

Participation in the trips is free of charge. For organisational reasons, there is a limit on the number of places available, so it is necessary to register your desire to participate at the Municipal Social Welfare Centre.

On 27 March, the seniors will set off for Wisła. The programme includes a visit to the museum of regional cuisine "The capital of the great-grandparents", a two-hour stay in a water park and a guided tour of the city. The organisers provide transport, insurance, tickets and lunch. Applications are accepted in person from 22 March at the offices of the Municipal Social Welfare Centre.

Representatives of non-governmental organisations can, in turn, prepare for a trip to Warsaw. A two-day study visit to the capital combined with sightseeing is planned. The main attraction will be a visit to the Royal Norwegian Embassy. The organisers will provide accommodation, food and all necessary tickets. The trip to Warsaw will take place on 4-5 April. Registration starts on 25 March and is accepted in person at the Municipal Social Welfare Centre.

For more information, call 77 843 78 79 ext. 408.


19.03.2024 - Preparations are underway for the final of the "Dugnad"

A conference summarising the implementation of the "Dugnad" project will be organised in Kędzierzyn-Koźle. The event will be attended by representatives of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, the Association of Polish Cities, local government officials and the project's implementers and partners.

The organisation of the event dominated the last meeting of the working group. Details and the exact schedule of the meeting were discussed. The conference being prepared will provide an opportunity to summarise all the activities which have taken place in Kędzierzyn-Koźle over the past three years. The city has obtained nearly PLN 19 million from the so-called 'Norwegian' funds. These funds will be used to create the Dugnad Cooperation Centre in the former building of PSP No. 6, to adapt the Chemik Culture Centre for people with special needs, and to organise dozens of meetings, trips, training sessions, workshops, picnics and sports competitions, all of which have successfully integrated residents.

18.03.2024 - 'Dugnad' has once again pulled away from the ground

It was a departure. And I mean that literally. NGO members and senior citizens on another study visit could not complain of boredom. On just one day, they visited the wind tunnel, the palm house and the former adit.

The free trip was part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project. Behind the extremely attractive programme was the Municipal Social Welfare Centre, which once again positively surprised the participants of the trip.

The highlight of the event was certainly the flight in the wind tunnel, where everyone, defying the forces of gravity, could fly at least a few centimetres above the ground. After the excitement of the experience, participants could relax and admire unique plant specimens in the "Palm House". The final attraction, however, was an underground rafting trip down the "Luisa" adit under the centre of the 170,000-year-old city.

14.04.2023 - An inclusive game at the bowling alley

Dugnad has knocked down all the bowling pins. The lanes in the "Azoty" hall hosted a great bowling tournament for three days entitled. "School Game". The Municipal Sports and Recreation Centre invited pupils from as many as nine primary schools to take part in this integrative competition.

More than 200 young players tried their hand at it. Everyone who grabbed the ball could feel like a winner. All participants received commemorative medals and bags full of attractive gadgets.

Members of the bowling section set up as part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project also showed off their skills.

12.03.2024 - Local authorities exchange experience

Today and tomorrow (12-13.03) Kędzierzyn-Koźle will become the capital of the Experience Exchange Network - EMPIRIE. This is an undertaking carried out by the Association of Polish Cities, which consists in networking municipalities interested in cooperation in as many as seven thematic issues.

Kędzierzyn-Koźle is active in three such areas, i.e. 'City of citizens', 'Fair and accessible city' and 'City resources - finance'. Representatives of our municipality, together with local government officials from Przemyśl, Krosno, Opoczno, Zabrze, Rydułtowy, Jarocin, Starachowice, Jasło and Goleniów, with expert support from the Association of Polish Cities, will share experiences, draw inspiration, learn from each other and work out solutions that are relevant to the development of small and medium-sized cities.

In addition to the workshop part and meetings with seniors from two Day Care Centres, the participants will visit the Kozielsko Land Museum and the "Azoty" hall, where the champion team Grupa Azoty ZAKSA Kędzierzyn-Koźle train on a daily basis.

The project is being implemented for 29 cities of the winners of the Local Development Programme competition and is financed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism 2014-2021.

08.03.2024 - "Dugnad" sculpted from clay

"Dugnad" has once again impressed with its beauty. The works created during the February ceramics workshop are now complete. Participants in the free classes discovered a new passion in themselves, and small masterpieces emerged from their hands.

Now they can take them with them to become decorations for their homes. Cups, bowls, platters and other decorations are available at the Koźle Cultural Centre. All you need to do is to come and collect them from Monday to Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. The free "meetings with sculpture" were held as part of a project co-financed by "Norwegian" funds.

06.03.2024 - Curling party with "Dugnad"

This has never happened before! The residents of Kędzierzyn-Koźle will test themselves in curling. Seniors, members of non-governmental organisations and volunteers can get ready to play this unusual sport.

Opportunities to grab brushes and stones will be provided by the Municipal Social Welfare Centre. The active integration of participants will take place as part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project.

The tournament will be played on 22 March in Pawłowice. The organisers will provide travel, instructor care, insurance and food. Participation in the event is free, but registration is required. Registration takes place by phone at 77 483 78 79 ext. 408.

05.03.2024 - Quick flying course with "Dugnad"

After skydiving, it's time for another "sky" challenge. This time it will be a flight in the wind tunnel. Thanks to the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project, members of the Dugnad members of NGOs, volunteers and senior citizens will take off from the ground.

Municipal Social Welfare Centre organises another unusual integration tripThe Municipal Social Welfare Centre is organising another unusual integration trip, which will take place on 14 March. In addition to a visit to the wind tunnel in Katowice, the trip's programme includes relaxation in the Palm House in Gliwice and rafting in the Queen Luisa Adit in Zabrze. This will be an unforgettable experience that will allow the members of NGOs from our city to get to know each other even better and strengthen their existing cooperation.

Participation in the event is free of charge. However, due to high interest, registration is mandatory. Registration is conducted by calling 77 483 78 79 ext. 408.

Important! Priority is given to people who have not yet taken part in excursions and study tours organised as part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project.

28.02.2024 - Next round of workshops for NGOs

We know the dates of the March trainings for NGOs. The schedule includes 8 free workshops which may prove very useful for representatives of the third sector. The classes are held as part of the 'Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle' project.

The programme includes lectures on, among other things, volunteering, implementing original projects, conducting public collections or bookkeeping by associations and foundations. Participation will be confirmed with the issue of certificates.

All training sessions will take place in the building on Waryńskiego Street in the Azoty residential area. Enrolment is by calling 77 483 78 79 ext. 408.

26.02.2024 - "Dugnad" summary time

Another coordination meeting of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project was held. Heads of city hall departments and directors and employees of city institutions such as MOSiR, MOK or MOPS, responsible for its implementation, submitted their reports.

As the project is nearing completion, the meeting was dominated by summary reports. A conference is being prepared with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy, which will present the activities undertaken over the past three years.

The monthly meeting also discussed the progress of the redevelopment of the former premises of PSP No. 6 into the Dugnad Cooperation Centre.

16.02.2024 - NGO training schedule

Representatives of the third sector can already write down specific dates in their calendars. We know the February schedule of free trainings. In order to take part in the classes organised as part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project. it is enough to register.

Six practical workshops are planned by the end of the month. Topics will include legal issues, accounting and raising EU funds. Participation in the classes will be confirmed by the issue of certificates.

All training sessions will take place in the building on Waryńskiego Street in the Azoty housing estate. Registration is by calling 77 483 78 79 ext. 408.


12.02.2024 - Young builders supported senior citizens

The whole of Poland has heard about the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project. was heard by the whole of Poland. A nationwide television station prepared material on a group of volunteers from School Complex No. 1, who are renovating the flats of three senior citizens as part of their apprenticeship. This is one of many activities in our town carried out with Norwegian funds.

The students undertook minor work that the elderly were unable to cope with. Thanks to the young people, a leaky tap or wallpaper peeling off in a corner will no longer be a problem. All necessary materials and tools were provided by the City Welfare Centre.

08.02.2024 - They will learn about law, finance and accounting

Non-governmental organisations will be trained. Thanks to lectures and talks prepared as part of the 'Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle' project, they will delve into the secrets of law, finance and accounting. The knowledge they gain will enable them to act even more effectively for the local community.

The training will be organised by the Centre for Non-Governmental Organisations and Volunteering, which operates at the Municipal Social Welfare Centre. The lectures, which will take place in February and March, will cover, among other things, issues concerning volunteers' rights, communication and raising EU funds. The meetings will also aim to develop skills, learn about effective practices and methods of social activism and establish contacts with people from the Third Sector community. Lectures for NGOs operating in the Kędzierzyn-Koźle area will be held free of charge, and completion of the courses will be certified.

For more information, call 77 483 78 79, extension 408.

07.02.2024 - They created ceramic masterpieces

The next round of ceramic workshops under the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project has begun. Vases, cups and bowls are just some of the vessels created by the participants.

During the classes, children and adults learn how to prepare and shape clay and what tools can be used to model it. Organised by the Municipal Cultural Centre, the classes are led by Agnieszka Urban, an experienced ceramist who works at the Occupational Therapy Workshop in Kędzierzyn-Koźle on a daily basis. The workshops, which take place at the facility on Skarbowa Street, will continue until April.


02.02.2024 - Girls plot perfectly

In our house, the girls weave .... just strings. A workshop with such a perverse title was held at the Day Care Centre No. 3. Volunteers from the Kędzierzyn-Koziel Labour Corps took part in free classes organised as part of the "Dugnad" project.

Thanks to meetings co-financed from the so-called 'Norway' funds, successive groups of residents are discovering passions and talents in handicrafts they were not even aware of. This time, the participants wove original and creative key rings and handbags from cotton strings using the macramé technique.

26.01.2023 - Kędzierzyn-Koźle sets an example in senior citizen policy

Kędzierzyn-Koźle has been at the centre of the debate on senior citizen policy. The solutions operating in our city were presented as examples of good practice. Some of the initiatives aimed at residents 60+ were introduced as part of the "Dugnad" project.

A national conference entitled 'Accepting old age - organising services for older people' was organised in cooperation with the Association of Polish Cities. The debate was attended by experts from, among others, Włocławek, Opole, Jarocin, Ujazd and Strzelce Opolskie. Thanks to an online transmission, the meeting was attended by employees of social welfare centres from all over the country and was accessible, also for deaf persons, thanks to sign language interpreting. The discussion focused, among other things, on techniques for researching the needs of older people, the use of modern technology, and conditions for reconciling the needs of senior citizens with the possibilities of the city. There was also a discussion on the role of informal carers, rarely taken into account in the social policies of local authorities.

The second part of the conference was devoted to solutions in Kędzierzyn-Koźle. The participants heard about the programmes and projects implemented in as many as five of our day care centres and how they activate seniors through participation in workshops, training sessions or integration meetings.


22.01.2024 - The grand finale of the Dugnad project in 2024

We are getting closer and closer to the final, but there is still a lot going on. "The Dugnad project in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" is not slowing down. In our city, activities co-financed from the so-called 'Norwegian funds' will be present for only a few more months, but we will certainly hear about them more than once.

Several major projects are planned. In the coming weeks, these will include a scientific seminar on elderly care, further handicraft workshops organised by the Municipal Cultural Centre and trips prepared by the Municipal Social Welfare Centre. The largest investment carried out under the project is also underway. In the former building of PSP No. 6 in Stalmacha Street, the "Dugnad" Cooperation Centre is being built, which will house assisted living facilities and the offices of the Municipal Senior Citizens' Centre and the Centre for Non-Governmental Organisations and Volunteering. Representatives of the "third sector" continue to benefit from free legal and accounting advice, while participants in the bowling section can polish their form for upcoming tournaments. A gala summarising all the activities undertaken as part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" initiative is also in the pipeline.

The timetable of all planned activities was presented at a cyclical meeting attended by project participants and partners, chaired by deputy mayor Artur Maruszczak.

18.01.2024 - How to adapt the city to the needs of seniors

Modern technologies in services for seniors, support for informal carers of dependent people and researching the needs of older people. Among other things, these are the topics that will be discussed at the conference 'Accepting old age - organising services for older people'.

Invited speakers will also address issues concerning the promotion of a healthy lifestyle among seniors and the importance of building intergenerational dialogue in the development of local communities.

The seminar, which is being held as part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project will be held on 25 January 2024 at the Municipal Cultural Centre in Kędzierzyn-Koźle, 27 Jana Pawła II Avenue, at 9:30 a.m. (room no. 19). The event combined with the Local Development Forum is organised by the Association of Polish Cities and the City of Kędzierzyn-Koźle. Those wishing to participate in the conference should register by 20 January 2024 by filling in the form available at: The lecture can also be accessed online:

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12.04.2024 - Neighbours from the 'Promyczek' drop in for a workshop

The paper-making workshop at Day Care Centre No. 5 does not have empty runs. This time, neighbours from the nearby "Promyczek" took a look inside. The facilities for handicraft activities were created as part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project.

People with disabilities coped very well during the workshop. The participants first created their own cards, which they then decorated using glitter, dried leaves and real lacquer stamps.

The workshop is aimed at children aged 6 and over, together with a carer. A minimum of two children with a disability certificate, diagnosis or in the process of being diagnosed should participate in each class. Meetings will take place for three consecutive months until March 2024 (twice a month). They will be led by Agnieszka Urban, an experienced ceramist employed at the Occupational Therapy Workshop.

For organisational reasons, registration is mandatory. Applications are accepted at tel. 77 480 25 57. The workshops are free of charge and the number of places is limited. Priority is given to those who have not yet attended a workshop.

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05.01.2024 - Combine arts and crafts

They develop, entertain and teach. Enrolment has started for additional sculpture and ceramics workshops, implemented as part of the "Dugnad in Kędzierzyn-Koźle" project. The Municipal Cultural Centre invites everyone to join in.

The art of sculpture and ceramics is not only a form of expression, but also a source of inspiration. It involves the creative process, shaping the form and experimenting with materials. All this contributes to developing the ability to think creatively and look at the world in a different way.

The workshop is aimed at children aged 6 and over, together with a carer. A minimum of two children with a disability certificate, diagnosis or in the process of being diagnosed should participate in each class. Meetings will take place for three consecutive months until March 2024 (twice a month). They will be led by Agnieszka Urban, an experienced ceramist employed at the Occupational Therapy Workshop.

For organisational reasons, registration is mandatory. Applications are accepted at tel. 77 480 25 57. The workshops are free of charge and the number of places is limited. Priority is given to those who have not yet attended a workshop.

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The project is co-financed in 85% with The Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area (EEA) 2014 – 2021 funds, and in 15% from the state budget.

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Events of the day 1 Październik 2024 (wtorek)
Events of the day 2 Październik 2024 (środa)
Events of the day 3 Październik 2024 (czwartek)
Events of the day 4 Październik 2024 (piątek)
Events of the day 5 Październik 2024 (sobota)
Events of the day 6 Październik 2024 (niedziela)
Events of the day 7 Październik 2024 (poniedziałek)
Events of the day 8 Październik 2024 (wtorek)
Events of the day 9 Październik 2024 (środa)
Events of the day 10 Październik 2024 (czwartek)
Events of the day 11 Październik 2024 (piątek)
Events of the day 12 Październik 2024 (sobota)
Events of the day 13 Październik 2024 (niedziela)
Events of the day 15 Październik 2024 (wtorek)
Events of the day 16 Październik 2024 (środa)
Events of the day 17 Październik 2024 (czwartek)
Events of the day 18 Październik 2024 (piątek)
Events of the day 19 Październik 2024 (sobota)
Events of the day 20 Październik 2024 (niedziela)
Events of the day 22 Październik 2024 (wtorek)
Events of the day 23 Październik 2024 (środa)
Events of the day 24 Październik 2024 (czwartek)
Events of the day 25 Październik 2024 (piątek)
Events of the day 26 Październik 2024 (sobota)
Events of the day 28 Październik 2024 (poniedziałek)
Events of the day 29 Październik 2024 (wtorek)
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